Tuesday 25 September 2012

006: elf dramatic lash review

So, I tried out the elf dramatic lash today. I was going to review all three dollar store lashes today, but I kept getting kicked out of the washroom by my bro when I tried to take pictures~ haha. I have yet to find a suitable place to take pictures and the like in my house, but that's okay. Onto the lashes!

This is the look I did today
Last night I figured out how to put on full lashes easily after about 4 failed attempts. I used the elf dramatic lashes with these. They're obviously more full than the natural lash. They're definitely more dramatic in looks than I'm used to! I have a rather conservative family, so I usually do really simple make up.

Close up of the lashes
I'm quite neutral about how I feel about these lashes. However, seeing as I picked these up at the dollar store, they're a lot better than I expected. I find them just a bit plastic-y looking and feeling by themselves, but once you put them on they don't look like it. They blend in fairly well with my short lashes! The band is really thin and flexible. It's good so you can tuck them really close to your lash line, but if you're new to putting on lashes these might not be ideal. I find it's a bit easier to put on false lashes with bands that have a little more weight to them.

Here's a few more view of my hair in case you were interested. The little monster in my hair is a button I got from a friend. Also.check out my octopus ring! I lo~ove it. I got it during FanExpo from an AA vendor. It's band is adjustable which means it was able to fit my small fingers~ The only issues I have is that is has a tendency to catch on wires and things like that because of its style, and that the band sometimes pinches. Still, it's such an interesting piece! One of my favourite rings I own~

Peace out, guys! I'm off to watch Merlin~

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