Saturday 22 September 2012

003: make up haul and perserverence

This post almost didn't happen because I'm lazy. But, I set myself a goal, I should do my best to follow though~ :P

 Anyways, a while back, a friend placed an order during the big Urban Decay sale. Seeing how I already own a bit of palettes and eyeshadows I don't often use, I grabbed a few of lip products. Some time after that, I realized my mom had borrowed my eyeliner pencil with no intention of returning it. I ended up picking up an Urban Decay liner when I stopped by Sephora to get my Beauty Insider birthday gift~ :D

My make from my post the other day and the products I used as well as the make up I recently picked up. From top, left to right: Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream No.23, Duo Lash Adhesive, Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Perversion,UD Pocket Rocket in Colin, UD Lipstick in Hotpants and Gash, NARS Blush in Orgasm, Sephora Flutter False Lases, Almay One Coat Dial Up mascara, Tokidoki Gelato Lip Balm in Ciao Ciao, fresh Sugar Advanced Therapy Lip Treatment in fresh and rose, and UD Lip Love Honey-Infused Lip Therapy in Stung. I guess this is a lot of make up for one post. (*_*) I layered Colin over Hotpants for my make.

Swatches of the UD products. Vertical are the lipstick Hotpants and Gash. Horizontal are Stung and Colin. Hotpants is a bright pink with iridescent shimmer. Gash is a brick red which looks pretty much matte except for a barely noticeable hint of red shimmer. Stung is a delicious sheer berry colour. Colin is a nice sheer orange red.

I lo~ove the UD eyeliner Perversion. I compared it to my other current eyeliner which is Buxom Lashliner in Leatherette. Perversion is the single line to the left and the two black lines are Leatherette applied in two different ways.

I usually have to warm up the Buxom liner in it's pot for ease of application, but it's a really nice waterproof liner that can be smudge. :3 It also lasted me TWO years! Lol, so maybe that's why I now need to heat it up for a creamy smooth line. Not that it matters since I usually end up layering liquid liner on top. However, Perversion makes lining really quick and easy. It's also SU~PER creamy and as dark as liquid liner, so it's great for a lazier make day. I'm not entirely convinced if it's totally worth the buy. :S Although UD Perversion is such a quality product, the fact that my Buxom liner lasted so long for the same if not less of the price kind of weighs heavily in how much I love it. I feel as if the pencil will disappear quickly~ (*_*);;

Below are pictures of the lip products in action. I feel like action shots are always better in reviews so the readers can tell how it looks and acts when the product is applied. It helps as a second deciding factor for whether or not I want to buy a product. If not, I would have ended up picking up more UD lipstick~ LOL (^_^;)

UD Lipstick in Gash
UD Pocket Rocket Colin
UD Honey-Infused Lip Therapy in Stung

UD Lipstick in Hotpants

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