Tuesday 16 October 2012

013: i'm a bee~

I haven't posted in almost a weeeeek~ Haha, how horrible of me. I've gotten quite busy this past week, running around and doing things. So, I haven't really gotten around to sitting down and making a new post.

 I'm glad~ I find it's good to be busy. I've started a new job, too. Technically two jobs :P I'm training as a sales associate for a shoe store and the past week, I've been commuting to a friend's place to do some sewing. My friend lives in the next town over, so I actually had to take the train for the first time! Exciting~ (^▽^)~

Here are my outfits from the past few days.

I wasn't to sure about my last outfit, the red plaid and grey skirt. Seeing it in pictures shows me that it wasn't really the best choice. I bought the skirt last year, but I've barely worn it. I can't really seem to match it with anything. (>_<") I'll keep trying and if I can't get a cute coordinate out of it, well, I'll give it away or something.

I've also been wanting to pick up the ukelele for one reason or another. I've been singing again. A lot of the songs have been cutesy pop-ish songs that have a ukelele in them. So, I dug up my brother's ukelele that he never used, only to find out that it's broken! (Q□ Q;;)~~ I tried to fix it, but it just didn't happen. I'll probably put aside some of the money I've been earning into getting it fixed.

Later days~

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